We’ve all seen it before: the package that you’ve been waiting months for finally arrives at your doorstep, and when you tear open the box, everything inside of it is broken. Those elegant wine glasses that you’ve been looking forward to are all shattered into thousands of pieces. And now, you’re going to make the company or person who shipped them pay.
If you’re the one who sent the items that ended up breaking during the shipping process, you may have a problem on your hands. To prevent this from happening in the future, we have the solution at General Partition Company, Inc. We manufacture and sell all kinds of chipboards, layer pads and SBS partitions to prevent breakage during shipping. These dividers are used to protect fragile items from breaking or becoming chipped or scratched.
Chipboards are one of the most adaptable types of box partition materials; they are used to fit almost any customer packaging need. They are not only very flexible but also provide considerable packaging strength. Chipboards maximize the protection of the product by coming in a wide variety of calibers (thickness) and finishes, including polycoated chipboards and more. They are usually a more cost-efficient alternative to corrugated partitions.
SBS Partitions
Solid Bleach Sulfite (SBS) Partitions contain all of the benefits of chipboards and also use a unique coating that provides other advantages. This partition type uses a bleached white board as its material and is available in a variety of different finishes and calibers. The optional features associated with SBS partitions include locking dies, half-moon dies, “V” notches and “S” notches. The features are used for different reasons, primarily to enhance durability and efficiency.
Layer Pads
Layer pads are used in packaging to separate layers of products like cans, bottles, glass and more. They are typically used inside of cases to support the products and evenly distribute the weight. They stabilize the package to protect the products, and they also help keep them clean.
These are three of the main types of box partitions. They are one of your best bets for preventing breakage when you’re shipping items to and fro. To learn more about our partitions, contact us at 1-888-501-4685.