Corrugated Partitions are made of a unique material, with different features than chipboard partitions and material, having features unlike that of chipboard and Solid Bleach Sulfite. It’s strength and durability is unmatched, which makes corrugated a great form of interior box packaging for large, bulky products. Corrugated partitions also have tremendous stacking strength. This means a great deal of force can be applied downward onto a partition without it being destroyed. Corrugated partitions have the capacity to be larger than chipboard and SBS partitions, giving customers a greater range of sizes to choose from. Board thickness for chipboard and SBS is generally called calibers, however corrugated thickness is commonly called flutes. There are few finishes with corrugated, and the flute and finish is determined by customer products and needs. Corrugated would be a more costly packaging alternative than chipboard. Like chipboard and SBS, corrugated can be used for partitions, pads, and specialty die cuts. Also corrugated is made from all recycled materials and is itself recyclable.

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A close up shot of a partition product.
Two different types of partition products next to each other against a white background.
Four stacks of white-colored partitions on a white surface.
A close up of a partition product with the recycling Mobius loop symbol on the side.